Be Your Own Advocate: Avoiding Diagnostic Errors

Be Your Own Advocate: Avoiding Diagnostic Errors

Medical malpractice is a crisis in the United States healthcare environment. Deaths resulting from malpractice tally at approximately 250,000 people per year in the U.S., marking it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Malpractice...
Recognizing Medical Malpractice: The Rules of the Road

Recognizing Medical Malpractice: The Rules of the Road

Recognizing medical malpractice when it happens to you or a family member can be challenging. Much like the laws that govern traffic court are in place to regulate driver’s behavior on the road, rules are in place to guide the actions of medical professionals. To know...
Justice for Military Medical Malpractice Victims

Justice for Military Medical Malpractice Victims

True or false: The United States’ military personnel have the same rights as convicted felons when injured by medical malpractice. False. Our soldiers are not afforded the same rights that we extend to our nation’s imprisoned felons – and the outdated Feres Doctrine...